As a female electrician in Liverpool, I carry out many different types of electrical works and I am able to assist with many of your electrical projects around your home. 

The Lady Sparky, Liverpool

The Lady Sparky, Liverpool

One of the most common jobs I am asked to do is to install a new light fitting and this can be a straight forward job or it can be a little more complex. Whilst there are plenty of DIY guides on the internet, none of them talk about checking the condition of the wiring, the compatibility of the light fitting with your wiring type or MOST importantly, the safety earthing of the light fitting! 

There are several potential pitfalls when installing a light fitting and associated dangers that need to be considered before attempting the work yourself using a DIY guide from the internet. 

  1.  Many of the modern light fittings that we have today require there to be one cable at the ceiling containing three wires, when this is not the case installation can become rather complicated for even the most confident DIY person. It is often necessary for an electrician to carry out further works in order to facilitate the safe installation of a new light fitting. This can involve creating a safe and maintenance free wiring junction in order to supply one single cable to the new fitting or ensuring that existing wiring has been safely extended or altered to take the new installation. 
  2. The tools required in order to check that the electrical wiring is ACTUALLY DEAD before carrying out work on the installation can run to £150 or more as a minimum. This is before the cost of test equipment to prove the earthing is safe once the work has been completed. Insulated tools are also required in order to safely work on electrical installations as an extra safety measure and these can be pricey as well. 
  3. When replacing a light fitting with a metal fitting that requires an earth connection it is not enough to simply follow the instructions and connect the earth wire. The earthing MUST be checked for continuity all the way back to the consumer unit / fuse box to ensure that in the event of an electrical problem, the electricity supply will correctly turn off. Did you know that electrical items will work without an earth wire but become lethal in the event of a fault if there is no earth? Only an electrician with the right knowledge and equipment can check the safety earthing is continuous and in place as required. 
  4. Any warranty for the light fitting may be voided if it has not been correctly installed by a qualified professional. It is easy to damage fittings if you are unsure about the correct installation or do not have the experience of installing such fittings previously. 
  5. Ceiling mounting points for light fittings can vary across manufacturers. Ceilings may require strengthening before installation of certain light fittings, timber may need to be cut and added above the fitting, complicating the installation, and adding to the tools and materials required to complete the work. Electricians often carry all necessary components to be able to carry this out whilst undertaking the light fitting installation. 

As a Female electrician in Liverpool, I often see poor work that has been carried out prior to my arrival and am asked to repair or replace wiring or light fittings for customers where previous installation has failed. It is sometimes better to employ a professional from the start and save the hassle of an electrical mishap 😊

When I undertake electrical work for my customers, I carry out the necessary checks to ensure that the wiring and electrical circuit is safe. 

Feel free to have a look around the website and check the other blogs for more information on common electrical topics. My help sheets section will be continually updated to offer assistance and advice to my customers. If you need any help with your project or an electrical mishap or emergency then feel free to get in touch